Choosing the perfect wedding DJ can be a daunting part of the wedding planning process. Everyone knows a DJ can make or break a wedding so you want to take care to find a good one. Here's a little secret: a great wedding DJ may not be the best DJ for YOUR wedding. Finding the right DJ for you is almost like dating — you don't want to be too slow to say "yes" but you also don't want to pick the first person who looks remotely attractive (we aren't that superficial now, are we?).
If you belong to any wedding group on social media you know as soon as you say, "Looking for a DJ for my wedding" you are about to set yourself up for an endless thread of DJs and multiple inbox messages from DJs looking to lock in your big day.
But don't worry! I'm here to save you some time and stress by helping you narrow down your options so you can marry the perfect wedding DJ!
1. What do they provide on the front end?
A DJ can be intimately involved or completely absent from everything before your wedding day. It's always okay to ask how involved they will be in your wedding planning. For instance: some DJs may help you with your timeline, meet with you in person, Skype with you, provide song suggestions, etc. Depending on your personality type and wedding needs, you may want a DJ who is helping you with details or one who is a little more hands off. Knowing what you're looking for will help weed out some DJs.
2. How long have they been a DJ?
Longevity in the DJ world means one thing — consistency. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are a great DJ match for you, but they obviously have a passion for the craft which means they will probably care for you as a client.
3. What kind of DJ are they?
Not all DJs DJ the same way. Some may focus on the overall experience (lighting, photo booth, all the bells and whistles) but may lack in mixing skills; some may focus on mixing skills while not packing all the bells and whistles; some may have all of the above. If you've gone to weddings and don't like hearing the entire song and wished the DJ would've mixed it up more (club style) — you should ask the DJ if that is their style or not. Do you like it when DJs talk a lot and are more interactive or when they only talk for announcements? Those are a few important things to consider in finding your DJ.
4. What are people saying about them?
Check out those reviews! Unlike a photographer or videographer, it's hard to grasp how good a DJ is unless you go check them out at another wedding. Reviews are your best friend when it comes to finding a great DJ because videos can be deceptive (anyone can record a 5 second clip and make it seem like they're killing it). You also want to know if they have a serving personality. Your DJ is there to help make your day great with music and also call audibles throughout the night with your wedding coordinator if things go off schedule. If you have a mutual friend, reach out to them and find out more details.
These are a few suggestions for you as you begin your hunt for the perfect wedding DJ. A great DJ won't mind answering a few questions so don't be afraid to ask anything you may need to. As soon as you say, "I do", the party begins! Happy hunting!
- Phillip
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